Malinauskas’ Budget misses the mark with cost of living snub

Malinauskas’ Budget misses the mark with cost of living snub

Posted on: 15 June 2023

Peter Malinauskas has left hardworking, everyday South Australian families to fend for themselves after refusing to provide them with much needed broad cost of living relief in today’s State Budget – despite SA having the highest electricity prices in the nation, and typical families $20,000 worse off per year under Labor.

Today’s Budget papers also reveal Peter Malinauskas and Stephen Mullighan have actually blown the 2022/23 Budget by a staggering $1.1 billion - once factoring in historic tax revenue – leaving their promise to keep the Budget in surplus in tatters.

Almost every major infrastructure project and every government agency has had cost blowouts with government expenditure exploding to more than $29 billion in 2026/27 – proving Labor can’t be trusted to manage the State’s finances.

At a time when South Australia has the highest inflation rate in the country, the explosion in government expenditure will only add fuel to the fire when it comes to the cost of living crisis – hurting households and businesses.

Labor continues to prioritise pet projects with Peter Malinauskas able to splash $55 million on a waterslide – but helping South Australians deal with skyrocketing everyday costs has been overlooked.

Despite significant investments in health, ramping remains at record levels on Peter Malinauskas’ watch, flying in the face of his repeated promises to “fix ramping”.

Leader of the Opposition, David Speirs, labelled the Malinauskas Labor Government’s second budget a “failure” and said Peter Malinauskas has let hardworking South Australians down despite record expenditure.

“A typical South Australian family on an average salary and with an average mortgage have been abandoned by Peter Malinauskas with no new support to deal with skyrocketing cost of living pressures, including the highest electricity prices in the country,” Mr Speirs said.

“Peter Malinauskas has prioritised pet projects and fun times over helping everyday South Australians.

“Before the election Peter Malinauskas promised to ‘fix ramping’ and keep the Budget in surplus. Since then, he’s delivered record ramping and completely blown the Budget.”

Shadow Treasurer, Matt Cowdrey, said Stephen Mullighan’s pre-election promise that the “state budget will be kept in surplus” has been left in ruins.

“Labor simply aren’t being responsible when it comes to the Budget, with cost blowout after cost blowout and delivering a massive deficit despite historic tax revenue and promising a surplus,” Mr Cowdrey.

“A typical South Australian household is nearly $400 a week worse off than they were at the 2022 State Election and families are paying the price because Labor can’t manage the Budget.

“Government expenditure will explode to $29 billion per year over the forward estimates which will only fan the flames of inflation.”

Shadow Minister for Finance and Tax Reform, Heidi Girolamo, said despite further investments into health, Labor’s lofty promise to “fix ramping” is still a long way off.

“Labor’s health spending so far has fallen short when it comes to their key election commitment to ‘fix ramping’, with record levels of ramping delivered by Peter Malinauskas,” Ms Girolamo said.

“We welcome any initiative which will lower ambulance ramping, but the proof will be in the pudding and at the moment the pudding is undercooked.

“Peter Malinauskas and Stephen Mullighan have signed a blank cheque when it comes to government spending with only two government agencies staying within their allocated budgets.”